“Why Churches Talk to Youth about Family Planning”
Religious leaders in Zambia address how their churches handle the natural curiosity young people have about sex through teen programs and youth meetings designed to help guide youth toward a healthy biblically based attitude. Leaders from the Wesleyan Church, the Reformed Church in Zambia and the Church of...
“God Wants Us To Plan: What the Bible Says about Family Planning”
Religious leaders in Zambia turn to scripture to explain why they believe Christianity supports family planning. Leaders from the Baptist Church, the Wesleyan Church, and the Reformed Church in Zambia discuss the divine mandate to have dominion over the Earth, only achievable if we are responsible and able...
Why Religious Leaders Must Be Involved in Family Planning
Religious leaders from churches in Zambia share their views on why faith leaders should be involved in family planning. Leaders from the Anglican Church in Zambia, the Salvation Army, and the Church of God share how their organizations promote family planning, provide a forum for discussion and in...
Americares Webinar: Zika: What You Need to Know
AmeriCares held a webinar in 2016 on the Zika virus and how local communities are dealing with the risks and dangers of the virus. AmeriCares covered what was happening at that time, how Zika is spread, how to recognize symptoms and how a clinic in El Salvador on...