COVID-19 Breathing Exercises

January 1, 2020

Tips on breathing and breathing exercises with COVID, available in multiple languages

by hopsie

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COVID-19: Is Your Sickness COVID-19

January 1, 2020

A tool to help people identify if an illness may be COVID before they are able to seek medical care.

by hopsie

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PMA PDA Preparedness For Pandemics

January 1, 2020

The Presbyterian Mission Agency Presbyterian Disaster Agency’s resource on Preparedness For Pandemics to help congregations plan a response for worship and ministry continuation should the need arise. Available in English, Korean, and Spanish.

by hopsie

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Animata and the Red Spiky Ball

January 1, 2020

Bloom Library books for children on COVID-19, that can be adapted in other language

by hopsie

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