Le Fardeau Silencieux : Analyse du Paysage des Troubles Mentaux Périnataux Courants dans les Pays à Faible et Moyen Reven

February 7, 2021

La période périnatale est un moment particulièrement crucial pour aborder les préoccupations en matière de santé mentale, car elle est associée à un risque accru de troubles mentaux. Cette analyse du paysage, préparée par l’initiative MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership soutenue par l’USAID, décrit l’état actuel de la...

by Kathy Erb

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USAID MOMENTUM Adaptive Learning Basic Toolkit

January 1, 2021

MOMENTUM Toolkit: Adaptive Learning in Projects and Programs | 2021 | This Adaptive Learning Basic Toolkit, supported by the USAID-funded MOMENTUM includes a set of practical tools and approaches for designing and implementing a project or program that uses the principles of adaptive learning. The tools are available...

by hopsie

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Tips for Translators on COVID 19 Terms: English

January 1, 2021

SIL International developed Tips for Translators (in English), a resource specially designed for those tasked with producing informational materials on COVID-19 in local languages. Suggested phrases in basic vocabulary make complex terminology easier to understand and to translate.

by hopsie

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Tips for Translators on COVID 19 Terms: French

January 1, 2021

SIL International developed Tips for Translators(in French), a resource specially designed for those tasked with producing informational materials on COVID-19 in local languages. Suggested phrases in basic vocabulary make complex terminology easier to understand and to translate.

by hopsie

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