USAID MOMENTUM Adaptive Learning Basic Toolkit

January 1, 2021

MOMENTUM Toolkit: Adaptive Learning in Projects and Programs | 2021 | This Adaptive Learning Basic Toolkit, supported by the USAID-funded MOMENTUM includes a set of practical tools and approaches for designing and implementing a project or program that uses the principles of adaptive learning. The tools are available...

by hopsie

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Tips for Translators on COVID 19 Terms: English

January 1, 2021

SIL International developed Tips for Translators (in English), a resource specially designed for those tasked with producing informational materials on COVID-19 in local languages. Suggested phrases in basic vocabulary make complex terminology easier to understand and to translate.

by hopsie

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Tips for Translators on COVID 19 Terms: French

January 1, 2021

SIL International developed Tips for Translators(in French), a resource specially designed for those tasked with producing informational materials on COVID-19 in local languages. Suggested phrases in basic vocabulary make complex terminology easier to understand and to translate.

by hopsie

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January 1, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Lesson Guide for Faith-based Organizations to be used during sermons or in community. These guides were supported by USAID and developed by World Relief in partnership with the Rwandan Ministry of Health.

by hopsie

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