Triage Card in Chichewa to recognize COVID symptoms `
Triage Card in Chichewa (spoken in Malawi) to help community health workers recognize symptoms of COVID
Education materials and resources on COVID 19 from Samaritan’s Purse
Education materials and resources on COVID 19 from Samaritan’s Purse offered in a variety of languages (including Navajo, Myamar, Arabic, Dari and others)
How Family Planning Methods Work: Tools for Low Literacy Populations
These booklets were produced for a low-literacy populations and provide simple information on 12 methods for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies, describing how each method works and what users can expect. They are available in the following languages: English French Kikuyu Kimeru Kisii Lusoga Luganda Swahili
How Family Planning Methods Work | A tool for low-literacy populations. Meru
A low literacy book in Kimeru which provides simple information on 12 methods for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies, how each method works and what you can expect.