Page of Resources related to the Family Planning Advocacy Guide (See block below)
“This “”Family Planning Advocacy Through Religious Leaders: A Guide for Faith Communities”” is accompanied by resources to help set up and conduct religious leader advocacy trainings, establish monitoring and evaluation systems, and realize your family planning advocacy goals.
Post-Ebola Recovery Toolkit
This toolkit is a resource for organizations and individuals involved in recovery efforts in the period following an infectious disease outbreak, such as the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016. Its goal is to provide governments, donors, NGOs, and survivor groups with guidance and...
Transforming Masculinities (French)
Transforming Masculinities (French) | This guide is a useful tool to lead workshops with faith leaders as well as to train Gender Champions. It is designed to be interactive and self-reflective to enable participants to explore, discuss and reflect on their own attitudes, beliefs and behaviors regarding gender...
Promoting Mental Health: A Resource for Spiritual and Pastoral Care
Promoting Mental Health: A Resource for Spiritual and Pastoral Care | This resource from the Church of England, Archbishops Council, can be used in a variety of ways. It is is for people involved in spiritual and pastoral care, who can use it to help with issues about...