Practical Playbook for Addressing Health Misinformation
Misleading rumors, misinformation, and disinformation can make health events more complicated, reduce trust in public health efforts, and lead to negative health impacts. This playbook released by Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health and the Center for Health Safety provides guidance on ways public health and medical...
Strengthening Partnerships with Faith Actors in Family Planning
This High Impact Practice (HIP) Strategic Planning Guide is intended to lead program planners and decision-makers through a strategic process to engage and strengthen partnership with faith actors in family planning. The guide was developed through consultation with technical experts and builds on guidance from key resources noted...
Health and Nutrition Programming Guide by World Renew
The Health and Nutrition Programming Guide was developed by World Renew to be a user-friendly guide on community-based programming for maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) and nutrition for use by staff who are not health experts. The guide brings together decades of learning in MNCH and nutrition...
Compassion Measures Toolbox
Compassion is increasingly recognized as a key indicator of quality care by patients, families, medical associations, healthcare providers, and governments. Research demonstrates that compassion is positively associated with a variety of patient-reported outcomes, the alleviation of healthcare provider burnout, positive health outcomes and improved quality of care ratings....