Johns Hopkins University COVID Communication Network.

January 1, 2021

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health curates COVID-19 Communication and Behavior Change Resources in the COVID Communication Network

by hopsie

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World Vision Guidance on How to COVID-19 mitigate fear and stigma

January 1, 2021

Resources on how faith communities can mitigate fear and stigma around COVID including helpful do’s and dont’s for communities.

by hopsie

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Coping with Stress during COVID-19

January 1, 2021

A one-page tip sheet from the World Health Organization on coping with Stress during COVID-19,

by hopsie

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SCOPE Faith Leader Engagement Curricula

January 1, 2021

The Faith Leader Engagement Curriculum produced as part of the USAID-funded SCOPE project consists of the following resources: Making Our Communities Better: Helping faith leaders and faith communities understand their role in community development and to envision how improving the health of families, especially mothers and their children,...

by hopsie

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