Evangelical COVID Vaccine Outreach Toolkit

January 1, 2021

A collection of resources, including podcasts, news stories and other resources from a conservative Evangelical Christian perspective on the COVID-19 vaccine and why Christians should accept for themselves and their families.

by hopsie

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Hesperian Zika Fact Sheet and Illustrations – Spanish

January 1, 2021

Hesperian developed a fact sheet with illustrations that is easily understood by the layperson on Zika, its symptoms, and how to take personal and community-wide precautions to limit its spread. It is available in a number of languages to ensure the information reaches the people who need it...

by hopsie

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Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

January 1, 2021

The World Health Organization compiled resources on Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a global health and development threat. It requires urgent multisectoral action in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). WHO has declared that AMR is one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity.

by hopsie

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TearFund Footsteps: Mental health and well-being – Footsteps 113

January 1, 2021

TearFund Footsteps Issue 113: Mental Health and Well-Being | TearFund’s Footsteps (Issue 113) focused on Mental Health, and includes a Bible Study; an article about community-based mental health approaches; an overview of mental health conditions; an article about a greater understanding of mental health and well-being by Dr....

by hopsie

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