USAID MOMENTUM Adaptive Learning Basic Toolkit

January 1, 2021

MOMENTUM Toolkit: Adaptive Learning in Projects and Programs | 2021 | This Adaptive Learning Basic Toolkit, supported by the USAID-funded MOMENTUM includes a set of practical tools and approaches for designing and implementing a project or program that uses the principles of adaptive learning. The tools are available...

by hopsie

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US CDC Guide on COVID-19 for global Faith and Community Leaders.

January 1, 2021

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Resources for Communities and Faith-based Organizations, including a Step-by-Step guide on COVID-19 for Faith and Community Leaders.

by hopsie

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Hesperian Zika Fact Sheet and Illustrations – Portuguese

January 1, 2021

Hesperian developed a fact sheet with illustrations that is easily understood by the layperson on Zika, its symptoms, and how to take personal and community-wide precautions to limit its spread. It is available in a number of languages to ensure the information reaches the people who need it...

by hopsie

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SIM’s: How Your Local Church Can Respond to COVID-19

January 1, 2021

A video-based training initiative that is now available for local church leaders, church volunteers, chaplains and others responding to COVID-19. This training lends global voices – pastors, theologians and medical professionals from diverse backgrounds – to speak into four key module topics: 1. Churches Leading in the Context...

by hopsie

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