Global Health and Africa: Assessing Faith Work and Research Priorities

November 14, 2012

Global Health and Africa: Assessing Faith Work and Research Priorities | 2012 | World Faiths Development Dialogue | Lynn Aylward and Katherine Marshall | The World Faiths Development Dialogue and the Tony Blair Faith Foundation joined efforts to enhance the role of faith institutions working to benefit health...

by hopsie

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Faith & Immunization: Past, Present, Future

January 1, 2012

Faith & Immunization: Past, Present and Potential Roles of Faith-Inspired Organizations | 2012 | World Faiths Development Dialogue | Lynn Aylward | This paper examines the links between faith and immunization with the goal of stimulating brainstorming as to how faith-inspired organizations (FIO), many of which are already...

by hopsie

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Getting Contraceptives to Health Facilities: 10 Questions for Community-Based Groups to Consider, English Version

January 1, 2012

The purpose of this guide is to help you plan and implement the process of ensuring a consistent supply of family planning supplies at your service delivery sites, and get contraceptive supplies to your field sites and your health workers. This process requires careful planning, coordination, and overall...

by hopsie

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The Christian Community’s Contribution to the Evolution of Community-Based Primary Health Care

November 14, 2008

The Christian Community’s Contribution to the Evolution of Community-Based Primary Health Care | 2008 | This analysis was produced by Dr. Curtiss Swezy and the CCIH Community Health Working Group and is based on a presentation by Dr. Carl E. Taylor and Dr. John H. Bryant, where these...

by hopsie

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