Capacity Building Successes and Recommendations Through SCOPE
Christian Connections for International Health partnered with World Relief through the Strengthening Community Health Outcomes Through Positive Engagement (SCOPE) project from 2019-2022 in three countries in a private-public sub-district and county-level effort to implement CHW capacity strengthening activities. Local partners included the Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK),...
Navigating Adolescence: Partnerships with Faith Actors
CCIH was a cosponsor along with the Faith to Action Network, the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), UNFPA, FP2030, the International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development (PaRD), and World Vision of a side event on engaging faith communities in adolescent reproductive health at the...
Lessons from Partnering with Faith-Based Organizations in Very Young Adolescent Programming
This technical report shows how faith-based organizations LAMB and World Renew, with support from USAID’s MOMENTUM, have demonstrated the potential of community-based organizations to meaningfully address harmful attitudes on gender and sexual and reproductive health, as well as, behaviors, and norms among very young adolescents (VYA), their families,...
Strengthening Very Young Adolescents in Gender Equality in Bangladesh
This peer-reviewed field report published in May 2023 in the Christian Journal for Global Health features the story of a young girl in Bangladesh who gained the confidence to refuse early marriage thanks to a program operated by faith-based organizations with funding from USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global...