“Why Churches Talk to Youth about Family Planning”

January 1, 2016

Religious leaders in Zambia address how their churches handle the natural curiosity young people have about sex through teen programs and youth meetings designed to help guide youth toward a healthy biblically based attitude. Leaders from the Wesleyan Church, the Reformed Church in Zambia and the Church of...

by hopsie

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How Self-Help Groups Strengthen Resilience: Tackling Food Insecurity in Protracted Cases in Ethiopia

January 1, 2016

In 2015 and 2016, Ethiopia experienced two consecutive years of drought, induced by an El Niño event. This affected a large proportion of the population, as many rural communities depend partly or entirely on rain-fed agriculture and livestock rearing. Access to financial resources and other support mechanisms is...

by hopsie

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Where There Is No Doctor

November 14, 2015

Where There Is No Doctor | Updated in 2015 | D. Werner | The most widely-used manual for health workers, educators, and others involved in primary care and health promotion around the world. The 2015 updated edition includes the latest medication information, a newly revised family planning chapter,...

by hopsie

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The Road to Zero: CDC’s Response to the West African Ebola Epidemic (July 2015),

January 1, 2015

The CDC released The Road to Zero: CDC’s Response to the West African Ebola Epidemic (July 2015), which details the agency’s response through the eyes of CDC responders, through photos and stories of their own experiences.

by hopsie

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