CCIH Network Zika Virus Response
This is a summary report from 2017 of CCIH members’ responded to the Zika virus. They include: providing bed nets, educating communities, reducing the mosquito population, treating people infected with Zika, providing family planning services to women who want to avoid pregnancy due to harmful complications from Zika...
Feeding the Hungry: A Fundamental Christian Calling
This position paper expresses the call for Christians to actively address the needs of hungry people and urges the U.S government to do the same.
Violence Against Women and Girls- Does Faith Matter?
Violence Against Women and Girls. Does Faith Matter? Policy Brief | Through the “What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)” program, Tearfund was funded by the UK Government to implement a project – ‘Engaging with Faith Groups to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls in...
ICFP 2016 Faith Pre-conference Report
The ICFP 2016 Faith Pre-conference Report includes recommendations developed at the pre-conference, along with photos and summaries of presentations and discussions.