Faith and Stigma on Fast Track

March 1, 2016

A Framework for Taking Action | 2016 | Based on many years of experience working with faith communities on issues of stigma, the authors present a framework for taking action in support of UNAIDS 90-90-90 Fast Track targets for the year 2020. The authors conclude that reaching the...

by hopsie

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Clean Clinic Approach (French)

January 1, 2016

Les conditions et pratiques insalubres en matière d’eau, d’assainissement et d’hygiène (WASH) découragent les gens de se faire soigner dans les établissements de santé. Ce dossier de deux pages explique l’approche de clinique propre de MCSP, un outil programmatique qui encourage les établissements de santé à établir des...

by hopsie

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“Success Story: Training Religious Leaders as Family Planning/HTSP Advocates “

January 1, 2016

With support from USAID’s Advancing Partners and Communities project, CCIH worked with its partner the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau to educate religious leaders on family planning/HTSP and train them to advocate for family planning among Christians, within their congregations and communities. After the training, religious leaders had significantly...

by hopsie

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Clean Clinic Approach (Spanish)

January 1, 2016

Las condiciones y prácticas inseguras de agua, saneamiento e higiene (WASH) desalientan a las personas a buscar atención en los establecimientos de salud. Este resumen de dos páginas explica el Enfoque de Clínica Limpia de MCSP, una herramienta programática que alienta a los establecimientos de salud a establecer...

by hopsie

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