“Ugandan Faith Leader on Why He Supports Family Planning”
Reverend Charles Irongo of the Kyando Church of Uganda discusses what he learned in seminary about the importance of healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies and planning a family you can support. He shares what the command to “be fruitful and multiply” in Genesis chapter 1 verse 28...
Video: Strengthening Family Planning with Faith Based Organizations in Uganda
The Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) and the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB), in collaboration with the Institute for Reproductive Health (IRH) at Georgetown University, used a systems approach to strengthen their family planning capacity. Results of this project suggest that FBOs can meaningfully contribute to national and...
Success story of faith leaders in Uganda as advocates dramatically increasing family planning knowledge.
Violence Against Women and Girls- Does Faith Matter?
Violence Against Women and Girls. Does Faith Matter? Policy Brief | Through the “What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)” program, Tearfund was funded by the UK Government to implement a project – ‘Engaging with Faith Groups to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls in...