“Ugandan Faith Leader on Why He Supports Family Planning”

January 1, 2018

Reverend Charles Irongo of the Kyando Church of Uganda discusses what he learned in seminary about the importance of healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies and planning a family you can support. He shares what the command to “be fruitful and multiply” in Genesis chapter 1 verse 28...

by hopsie

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November 14, 2017

Success story of faith leaders in Uganda as advocates dramatically increasing family planning knowledge.

by hopsie

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“African Leaders on the Role of the Church in Family Planning”

January 1, 2017

Four leaders from Kenya, Nigeria and Zambia discuss the striking benefits to families and societies when couples are able to plan pregnancies. We also hear from religious leaders why churches are uniquely positioned to educate communities about family planning and reach rural areas with services and supplies. This...

by hopsie

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CCIH Network Zika Virus Response

January 1, 2017

This is a summary report from 2017 of CCIH members’ responded to the Zika virus. They include: providing bed nets, educating communities, reducing the mosquito population, treating people infected with Zika, providing family planning services to women who want to avoid pregnancy due to harmful complications from Zika...

by hopsie

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