Case Studies for Year 2 …and the Churches Health Association of Zambia
Coordinated advocacy brings change in family planning kn Zambia. The Churches Health Association of Zambia’s (CHAZ)approach was to build the capacities of the CSOs in FP advocacy so they could advocate effectively to the government.
Endline Report of the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau Community-Based Family Planning Project
In December 2017, the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) was awarded a one-year cooperative funding agreement from USAID through Advancing Partners and Communities (APC) to implement a project to integrate community-based family planning (FP) into the Anglican Church of Uganda’s health structures and health facilities. Based on available...
Interactive map of faith actor advocacy achievements
Faith-based organizations and other NGOs working with FBOs gathered in 2016 and 2018 and at the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP). This map represents a representation of the work that has happened post-ICFP meetings. This does not represent all the work being done globally with faith communities....
Annotated Bibliography: Market Share of FBOs in Healthcare in Developing Countries
Annotated Bibliography: Market Share of FBOs in Healthcare in Developing Countries | September 2018, updated November 2018 | Compiled by CCIH Intern Maria Muomah, MPH Candidate, Liberty University. The bibliography includes 17 sources from peer-reviewed journals addressing the amount of healthcare provided by FBOs in developing countries and...