How Faith-based Organizations Meet Community Need for Family Planning During COVID-19

January 1, 2021

A high-level overview of the session, Faith Actors and Family Planning during COVID-19, pulling out key points from the session.

by hopsie

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Policy Brief for Landscape Analysis: Effects of Faith Actor Engagement on the Uptake and Coverage of Immunization in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

January 1, 2021

This policy brief supported by the USAID-funded MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership was released in July 2021 and summarizes evidence about vaccine hesitancy trends in faith communities. It is a special investigation including key informant interviews with global leaders and a literature review into the role of faith...

by hopsie

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Leading on WASH in Healthcare Facilities: Progress Report on Faith-Inspired Action and Results

January 1, 2021

This report will: – Describe the WASH in healthcare facilities challenge, its solvability, and how solutions are being implemented by a range of actors, including faithinspired actors; – Celebrate the diversity, commitments and achievements of these faithinspired actors; – Encourage new partnerships across secular, public and faith institutions...

by hopsie

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The Role of Faith Leaders in COVID-19 and Family Planning

January 1, 2021

A video of Christian and Islamic faith leaders and faith-based organization representatives in India, Kenya and Uganda discussing how COVID-19 has affected their communities and the ability of women to access family planning services, and the role faith leaders can play in improving access and uptake of family...

by hopsie

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