Partnering with African Faith-Based Organizations for a Strong Health Workforce

November 14, 2022

Partnering with African Faith-Based Organizations for a Strong Health Workforce | CapacityPlus | Doris Mwarey, Craig Hafner, Theresa Nyamupachitu | This technical brief highlights efforts that African faith-based organizations are making to strengthen their health workforce and integrate national health systems, with the goal of improving health outcomes.

by hopsie

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Accord Network Inter-Agency Gift-in-Kind Standards

November 14, 2022

Accord Network Inter-Agency Gift-in-Kind Standards | Accord Standards serve to raise the bar of ethics in the industry so that by transparency and integrity, so adherents are able to increase the level of donor and end user trust in the way donations of pharmaceutical and medical equipment are...

by hopsie

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How Can Governments Work with Faith-based Organizations to Strengthen the Health Workforce?

November 14, 2022

How Can Governments Work with Faith-based Organizations to Strengthen the Health Workforce? (Issue Brief) | CapacityPlus | This brief presents an overview of FBOs and human resources for health along with suggested actions, key considerations, and resources. Also Available in French

by hopsie

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November 14, 2022

Position statements from 12 Zambian faith institutions on family planning.

by hopsie

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