Public Health, Systems Change, Justice and the Work of the Kingdom

January 20, 2023

This article in the Christian Journal for Global Health discusses Biblical themes for confronting inequities that contribute to disparities in population health statuses.

by hopsie

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Adapting Care Groups to Urban Slums

November 14, 2022

Abstract: Progress on maternal and child health has been slow and uneven in Africa, withwidening geographic and socio-economic disparities despite economic growth and continued investments in health systems. In Kenya, modest national-level gains mask wide disparities in progress, with near stagnation among the very poor, those with the...

by hopsie

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Information and Research: Christian Journal for Global Health

November 14, 2022

Visit the Christian Journal for Global Health, a peer-reviewed, scholarly and multidisciplinary journal on global health policy and practice, promoting evidence-based and thoughtful analysis on effective and innovative approaches to global health from an integrated Christian perspective.

by hopsie

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An Exploratory Study of Client and Provider Experience and Perceptions of Facility-Based Childbirth Care in Quiché, Guatemala

January 5, 2022

Respectful maternity care (RMC) is fundamental to women’s and families’ experience of care and their decision about where to give birth. Studies from multiple countries describe the mistreatment of women during facility-based childbirth, though only a small number of studies from Guatemala have been published. This study published...

by Kathy Erb

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