Intersections between polyvictimisation and mental health among adolescents in five urban disadvantaged settings: the role of gender

January 1, 2017

Intersections between polyvictimisation and mental health among adolescents in five urban disadvantaged settings: the role of gender | 2017 | BMC Public Health | Polyvictimisation (PV) – exposure to violence across multiple contexts – causes considerable morbidity and mortality among adolescents. Despite high levels of violence in urban...

by hopsie

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Christian Journal for Global Health Special Issue on Family Planning

January 1, 2017

Through support from the USAID-funded Advancing Partners and Communities, CCIH worked with the Christian Journal for Global Health (CJGH) to produce a special issue on family planning from a faith perspective. The issue included articles by CCIH members and others focused on both operational and ethical approaches to...

by hopsie

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Advocacy for International Family Planning: What Terminology Works?

January 1, 2016

Discussing what terminology works in the Christian context about family planning in the publication World Health & Population

by hopsie

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Strengthening of Partnerships between the Public Sector and Faith-based Groups

November 14, 2015

Strengthening of Partnerships between the Public Sector and Faith-based Groups | Jean Duff and Warren Buckingham | July 2015 | The Lancet | Drawing from both development and faith perspectives, this paper examines trends that could ground powerful, more sustainable partnerships and identifies new opportunities for collaboration based...

by hopsie

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