Just and Lasting Change

November 10, 2016

Just and Lasting Change: When Communities Own Their Futures | 2016, Second Edition | Daniel Taylor and Carl Taylor | How can public health workers, policy experts, and medical professionals work with members of developing nations to promote social change in rapid, cost-effective, and locally appropriate ways? In...

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Where There Is No Doctor

November 14, 2015

Where There Is No Doctor | Updated in 2015 | D. Werner | The most widely-used manual for health workers, educators, and others involved in primary care and health promotion around the world. The 2015 updated edition includes the latest medication information, a newly revised family planning chapter,...

by hopsie

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Health for All: The Vanga Story

November 14, 2014

Health for All: The Vanga Story | 2014 | Daniel Fountain | When Dr. Daniel Fountain arrived in the Congo in 1961, he was forced to depend upon a dilapidated hospital to serve 250,000 people. Discover how he relied on prayer and innovation to transform the outmoded facility...

by hopsie

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Jamkhed: The Comprehensive Rural Health Project

November 14, 1994

Jamkhed: The Comprehensive Rural Health Project | Raj and Mabelle Arole | 1994 | This book tells the story of the Jamkhed model, which is the story of people – of disenfranchised men and women, outside the mainstream of society, who have gained the self-esteem and self-confidence necessary...

by hopsie

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