Report from ICFP 2022: Faith Community Speaks Up to Support Family Planning

January 4, 2023

Faith-based organizations and people of faith had a strong presence at the most recent International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), held November 14-17, 2022 in Thailand. Faith community activities were coordinated by a Faith Subcommittee led by CCIH, the Faith to Action Network and Catholics for Reproductive Health....

by Kathy Erb

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Sisters’ keepers; A Mother-to-Mother Support Group story.

January 1, 2023

This article provides an example of improving pregnancy outcomes, WASH, and nutrition through a mother-to-mother support group for young and first time mothers by highlighting the work of the ACHAP Afya field team in Uganda

by hopsie

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Christian Health Associations Share their Experience with CCIH’s OCA Tool

December 14, 2022

In 2021, CCIH played a key role in strengthening faith-based organizations as part of two USAID-funded programs, working with several partners to complete the Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA). This blog by CCIH Intern Brittany Hnida shares some different viewpoints and experiences from individuals and organizations that have used...

by Kathy Erb

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Faith-based Organization Role in Health Systems in Tanzania

November 14, 2022

CCIH produced a series of pieces exploring health in a number of countries and the faith-based health care landscape. In each country, we spotlight a few faith-based organizations and how they impact health care services in the country. Tanzania: FBOs are the largest providers of hospital services in...

by hopsie

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