“ICM Partners with Churches to Help Bring Family Planning to Families in Need “

January 1, 2019

International Care Ministries (ICM) integrates family planning into its Transform project to lift families in the Philippines out of poverty. Nurse Mylin Rendoque is happy to help families with family planning and believes that it aligns closely with her Christian values. “Being a parent is a great gift...

by hopsie

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Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services ‘Know Your Numbers’ Campaign taking Centre Stage in NCD Fight

January 1, 2019

Recently, through a novel approach designed by the CBC Health Services, sensitization and screening for NCDs has gained steam in the public health sector in Cameroon. This is known as the “Know Your Numbers (KYN)” Campaign. KYN is an awareness and screening mechanism for NCDs. It is intended...

by hopsie

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“Empowering Parents To Plan Their Families and Overcome Poverty in Pakistan”

January 1, 2019

In this story, Dr. Ashchenaz Lall, Director of the Christian Hospital Taxila in Punjab, Pakistan explains why women may be reluctant to use family planning in his country. “This is a male dominated society, and women don’t have much power in deciding the number of children they have,”...

by hopsie

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“Family Planning: A Matter of Life and Death for Kenya’s Women” by Reverend Carol Mberia

January 1, 2019

Reverend Carol Mberia of the Methodist Church of Kenya article on family planning in The Star, a Kenyan newspaper.

by hopsie

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