Health for All Nations – Resources
These curated resources from Health for All Nations help volunteers prepare for short and long term missions - especially the Medical Mission Prep and Integrated Mission sections.
Best Practices in Global Health Missions Short-term Health Missions – Quality of Care Health Topic
These curated resources from BPGHM highlight considerations for effectiveness and quality in short-term healthcare missions.
CCIH Statement on Standards for Short-term Medical Missions
Short-Term Medical Missions (STMM) can provide much-needed care to a community and help strengthen capacity of local providers, and are often provided in emergency response or in long-term development situations. Unfortunately, too many well-intentioned STMM projects are designed and executed in ways that do not plan for sustained...
Healing and the Church: What Is Our Calling?
Helping people become healthy is at the very heart of the Church’s calling. It is how Jesus conducted His ministry while on earth. In this webinar held September 18, 2019, we discussed what health means from a Christian perspective and how the Church can respond to emotional and...