Ending Violence Against Children: The Role of Community Health Workers

January 1, 2019

Tom Davis, Jr, Global Sector Lead for Health and Nutrition at World Vision International shared findings from a ground-breaking survey recently conducted by World Vision International with 412 community health workers (CHWs) in four countries. The study explored CHW’s views regarding their roles in preventing, detecting and responding...

by hopsie

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TearFund UK’s Footsteps Magazine Special Issue on SGBV and FGM

January 1, 2018

Tearfund UK’s Footsteps Magazine | Issue 106 | This issue of Footsteps focuses on inspiring ideas from around world to counter SGBV, including Paz y Esperanza in Latin America, which is empowering women economically to make them less vulnerable to SGBV; practical ways of helping survivors of SGBV...

by hopsie

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Transforming Masculinities (Portugues)

January 1, 2018

Transforming Masculinities (Portuguese) | This guide is a useful tool to lead workshops with faith leaders as well as to train Gender Champions. It is designed to be interactive and self-reflective to enable participants to explore, discuss and reflect on their own attitudes, beliefs and behaviors regarding gender...

by hopsie

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Violence Against Women and Girls- Does Faith Matter?

January 1, 2017

Violence Against Women and Girls. Does Faith Matter? Policy Brief | Through the “What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)” program, Tearfund was funded by the UK Government to implement a project – ‘Engaging with Faith Groups to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls in...

by hopsie

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