Policy Brief for Landscape Analysis: Effects of Faith Actor Engagement on the Uptake and Coverage of Immunization in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
This policy brief supported by the USAID-funded MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership was released in July 2021 and summarizes evidence about vaccine hesitancy trends in faith communities. It is a special investigation including key informant interviews with global leaders and a literature review into the role of faith...
Faith Leader Lesson Series for Kenya:
Faith Leader Lesson series offered by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with World Relief to meet the urgent need in Kenyan communities in preparation for COVID-19 vaccine awareness, access, acceptance, and follow-up in line with Ministry of Health Guidelines.
Tearfund: COVID-19 Guidance on Vaccines and Vaccination
This resource from TearFund Learn is designed to help church leaders and Christian organizations consider how they can apply their faith in a practical way and use their influence in society to:reduce misinformation and confusion about COVID vaccinations; build a good understanding of, and trust in, the Covid-19...
Trauma Healing Resources specific to the COVID-19 crisis
The COVID-19 Trauma Healing lesson can be used in a group (online), with your family, or by an individual – even by those who have never used trauma healing materials before. There is also a lesson for families for use with children, (Peace, Be Still…) The COVID-19 Trauma...