Where There Is No Hospital: A Home Care Guide for People with COVID-19
A guide for caring for people with COVID-19 at home, especially when there is no access to a hospital.
Ecumenical Global Health COVID-19 Response Framework
The World Council of Churches convened church and healthcare leaders from many countries to deliberate and develop a framework to encapsulate their engagement with the pandemic. This framework outlines intervention strategies for a variety of stakeholders, as well as a vision of churches that will embrace a holistic...
World Vision Faith Leader Survey
This report from a survey of faith leaders by World Vision outlines the unique and critical role that faith actors are already playing, shared evidence and learning from past responses, and makes key recommendations on the role they must continue to play as we enter the COVID vaccine...
COVID-19 Vaccine Resources, Social Media Toolkit
CCIH produced a series of social media graphics on the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine, with a focus on enduring myths about the vaccine, including quotes and photos of faith leaders encouraging communities to get vaccinated.They are sized for Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Twitter.