Education materials and resources on COVID 19 from Samaritan’s Purse
Education materials and resources on COVID 19 from Samaritan’s Purse offered in a variety of languages (including Navajo, Myamar, Arabic, Dari and others)
Hesperian Health Guides’ fact sheet on COVID in 19 languages
Fact sheet on COVID in 19 languages: English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Urdu, Bangla, Filipino, Bahasa Indonesia, Farsi, Sindhi, Telugu, Hindi, Portuguese, Chishona, Swahili, Vietnamese, Haitian Creole, Arabic, and Lao.
All Bloom COVID-19 Books
Extensive library of easy-to-read and share informational pieces in the Bloom COVID-19 Collection which can be easily adapted to other languages.
COVID-19: Staying well in the time of coronavirus
Resource page on staying well in the time of coronavirus, available in multiple languages.