The Immune Response and How Vaccines Work

January 1, 2021

This short educational piece is adapted from materials from the World Health Organization (WHO) and is intended for faith and community leaders and faith-based organizations to use with their communities to help them understand immunization in general.

by hopsie

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SIM’s: How Your Local Church Can Respond to COVID-19

January 1, 2021

A video-based training initiative that is now available for local church leaders, church volunteers, chaplains and others responding to COVID-19. This training lends global voices – pastors, theologians and medical professionals from diverse backgrounds – to speak into four key module topics: 1. Churches Leading in the Context...

by hopsie

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Johns Hopkins University COVID Communication Network.

January 1, 2021

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health curates COVID-19 Communication and Behavior Change Resources in the COVID Communication Network

by hopsie

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COVID-19 Breathing Exercises

January 1, 2020

Tips on breathing and breathing exercises with COVID, available in multiple languages

by hopsie

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