The Right Place at the Right Time: What We Learned from Supply Chain Strengthening of Six Faith-based Drug Supply Organizations

January 1, 2022

On August 24, 2022, we explored lessons learned through a faith-based supply chain strengthening program in three countries: Cameroon, Ghana, and Nigeria. Six faith-based drug supply organizations (DSOs) participated in a supply chain strengthening activity supported by USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership. These organizations underwent a supply...

by hopsie

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The Right Place at the Right Time: What We Learned from Supply Chain Strengthening of Six Faith-based Drug Supply Organizations (Francais/ French)

January 1, 2022

Le 24 août 2022, nous avons exploré les enseignements tirés d’un programme confessionnel de renforcement de la chaîne d’approvisionnement dans trois pays : le Cameroun, le Ghana et le Nigeria. Six organisations confessionnelles d’approvisionnement en médicaments (DSO) ont participé à une activité de renforcement de la chaîne d’approvisionnement...

by hopsie

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CCIH CLA Case Studies

January 1, 2022

This Case Study describes how faith-based organizations (FBOs) are implementing collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) tools in their projects, along with traditional monitoring and evaluation (M&E). It is intended to highlight case studies that may be helpful to faith-based partners that may be less familiar with adaptive learning....

by hopsie

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USAID MOMENTUM Adaptive Learning Basic Toolkit

January 1, 2021

MOMENTUM Toolkit: Adaptive Learning in Projects and Programs | 2021 | This Adaptive Learning Basic Toolkit, supported by the USAID-funded MOMENTUM includes a set of practical tools and approaches for designing and implementing a project or program that uses the principles of adaptive learning. The tools are available...

by hopsie

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