MEL background info/web content

January 1, 2022

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) is critical for all organizations. The purpose of MEL practices and procedures is to apply knowledge gained from evidence and analysis of your programs to improve outcomes and ensure accountability. Before planning activities, it is important to set goals and objectives of what...

by hopsie

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The Right Place at the Right Time: What We Learned from Supply Chain Strengthening of Six Faith-based Drug Supply Organizations

January 1, 2022

On August 24, 2022, we explored lessons learned through a faith-based supply chain strengthening program in three countries: Cameroon, Ghana, and Nigeria. Six faith-based drug supply organizations (DSOs) participated in a supply chain strengthening activity supported by USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership. These organizations underwent a supply...

by hopsie

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The Right Place at the Right Time: What We Learned from Supply Chain Strengthening of Six Faith-based Drug Supply Organizations (Francais/ French)

January 1, 2022

Le 24 août 2022, nous avons exploré les enseignements tirés d’un programme confessionnel de renforcement de la chaîne d’approvisionnement dans trois pays : le Cameroun, le Ghana et le Nigeria. Six organisations confessionnelles d’approvisionnement en médicaments (DSO) ont participé à une activité de renforcement de la chaîne d’approvisionnement...

by hopsie

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USAID MOMENTUM Adaptive Learning Basic Toolkit

January 1, 2021

MOMENTUM Toolkit: Adaptive Learning in Projects and Programs | 2021 | This Adaptive Learning Basic Toolkit, supported by the USAID-funded MOMENTUM includes a set of practical tools and approaches for designing and implementing a project or program that uses the principles of adaptive learning. The tools are available...

by hopsie

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