Measure Evaluation Tools

November 14, 2022

MEASURE Evaluation developed and applied a variety of tools to strengthen health information systems and improve decision making in the health sector.

by hopsie

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Better Evaluation Tools

November 14, 2022

Better Evaluation: This web-based toolkit was developed to help program managers in New South Wales (Australia) government agencies manage evaluations (including those undertaken by internal or external evaluators, or by a combination of both).

by hopsie

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Center for Theory of Change website

November 14, 2022

The Center for Theory of Change is a non-profit organization established to promote quality standards and best practice for the development and implementation of Theory of Change, with a particular focus on its use and application in the areas of international development, sustainability, education, human rights and social...

by hopsie

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MEL background info/web content

January 1, 2022

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) is critical for all organizations. The purpose of MEL practices and procedures is to apply knowledge gained from evidence and analysis of your programs to improve outcomes and ensure accountability. Before planning activities, it is important to set goals and objectives of what...

by hopsie

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