Thrive Worldwide Resources for Mental Health
Thrive Worldwide has resources on dealing with anxiety, COVID-19, supporting healthcare workers and more.
Pediatric Symptom Checklist
Pediatric Symptom Checklist for Youth: The Pediatric Symptom Checklist is a psychosocial screen designed to facilitate the recognition of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems so that appropriate interventions can be initiated as early as possible.
The Well-Being Guide
Humanitarians and people working in helping professions need to take care of themselves in order not to burn out and to be effective in their work. This guide was produced by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent. The well-being guide includes exercises to help reduce...
The Silent Burden: Maternal Mental Health and the Importance of Engaging Faith Actors
Mental health lacks proper attention in the health sector, both in funding and response, despite its high prevalence rate. The perinatal period is a particularly crucial time to address mental health concerns as it is associated with an elevated risk of mental disorders. Faith actors and FBOs can...