Psychological first aid: facilitator’s manual for orienting field workers

January 20, 2023

Psychological First Aid involves support and practical assistance for people in crisis that respects their culture, dignity, and abilities. This manual helps orient helpers to offer PFA.

by hopsie

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Maternal Mental Health Theory of Change

December 9, 2022

A Shared Vision for Improving Perinatal Mental Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Theory of Change and Prioritized Implementation Research Questions This global perinatal or maternal mental health (PMH) Theory of Change offers a common framework that can guide global PMH thinking, investments, and programming to improve...

by Kathy Erb

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Trauma Healing Resources from the American Bible Society

November 14, 2022

Trauma Healing Resources from the American Bible Society | The American Bible Society has a variety of resources on healing trauma, including videos, resources for use with trauma survivors, including children and teens, a facilitator’s handbook, and more.

by hopsie

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Framework for Trauma Response Programming from Mennonite Central Committee

November 14, 2022

Mennonite Central Committee developed a Framework for Trauma Response Programming, incorporating Development, Peace and Health. Paul Shelter Fast, MCC, presented this framework at the 2020 CCIH Virtual Conference. There are links to many resources included in this framework.

by hopsie

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