The Silent Burden: A Landscape Analysis Brief of Common Perinatal Mental Disorders in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
The Silent Burden: A Landscape Analysis Brief of Common Perinatal Mental Disorders in Low- and Middle-Income Countries | September 2021 | The perinatal period is a particularly crucial time to address mental health concerns as it is associated with an elevated risk of mental disorders. This landscape analysis...
Maternal Mental Health: Effective Scalable Interventions for Low-Resources Areas Webinar
Maternal Mental Health: Effective Scalable Interventions for Low-Resources Areas | January 26, 2021 | In this webinar, we explored interventions, delivered by well-trained and supervised non-specialist caregivers, that provide a scalable solution to bridge the gap where resources are scarce but the need for services is great. Phiona...
WHO MNCAH data portal
The fifth round of the Global Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (SRMNCAH) Policy Survey was conducted in 2018-2019. For this survey, the questionnaire was administered online to each member state via WHO regional offices. Each WHO country office was asked to coordinate completion of the...
Respectful Maternity Care: What Is It and How Do We Achieve It?
Mistreatment in childbirth violates the fundamental obligation of a health system to provide support and healing in childbirth, can cause lasting emotional trauma, and goes against our Christian calling to provide compassionate care. What is driving mistreatment during childbirth, one of the most important times a woman needs...