The Silent Burden: Maternal Mental Health and the Importance of Engaging Faith Actors
Mental health lacks proper attention in the health sector, both in funding and response, despite its high prevalence rate. The perinatal period is a particularly crucial time to address mental health concerns as it is associated with an elevated risk of mental disorders. Faith actors and FBOs can...
Le Fardeau Silencieux : Analyse du Paysage des Troubles Mentaux Périnataux Courants dans les Pays à Faible et Moyen Reven
La période périnatale est un moment particulièrement crucial pour aborder les préoccupations en matière de santé mentale, car elle est associée à un risque accru de troubles mentaux. Cette analyse du paysage, préparée par l’initiative MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership soutenue par l’USAID, décrit l’état actuel de la...
Respectful Maternity Care and Maternal Mental Health are Inextricably Linked
This article explores the connections between respectful maternity care and maternal mental health outcomes. It originally appeared on the Wilson Center’s Dot-Mom column.
Maternal Mental Health: Effective Scalable Interventions for Low-Resources Areas
In this webinar, we explored interventions, delivered by well-trained and supervised non-specialist caregivers, that provide a scalable solution to bridge the gap where resources are scarce but the need for services is great. Phiona Naserian Koyiet of World Vision International explained effective interventions such as Problem Management Plus...