Scatter Global

January 1, 2023

Scatter Global provides training, connections, and coaching to students and professionals who want to make work worship and use a position as a global marketplace worker for ministry.

by hopsie

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Safe Waters International Ministries

November 14, 2022

The mission of Safe Water International Ministries (SWIM) is to love humankind by encouraging participation as ambassadors of Jesus Christ, providing for their physical needs, focused on safe drinking water and sharing the Living Water of Jesus Christ worldwide.

by hopsie

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Joni and Friends

November 14, 2022

Joni and Friends offers courses and training information to encourage churches to be more inclusive and to open doors for hope through faith in Jesus.

by hopsie

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What Is the Theology of Health and How Does That Apply to Global Health?

January 1, 2022

CCIH’s Integration of Faith and Health webinar series explores the theoretical and practical aspects of how faith and health are interrelated across health disciplines. On April 6, 2022, Dr. Dan O’Neill discussed The Theology of Health and we heard from Dr. Gabriella Woo and Christy Lafferty of AMOS...

by hopsie

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