Donated Medical Equipment

November 14, 2022

Donated Medical Equipment | This resource is a listing of organizations that work in the area of donated medical equipment. They may service and repair donated equipment before it is sent to a hospital, clinic or other organization in need; offer match-making between entities who have a donation...

by hopsie

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Annotated Bibliography: Trust in Healthcare Settings

November 14, 2019

Annotated Bibliography: Trust in Healthcare Settings | August 2019 | Compiled by CCIH Intern Sydney Sauter, Pepperdine University. The bibliography contains a number of sources related to the measurement of “trust” in healthcare settings. Often times, faith-based organizations (FBOs) state that they are trusted health care providers, but...

by hopsie

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Core questions and indicators for monitoring WASH in health care facilities in the Sustainable Development Goals (WHO)

January 1, 2018

WHO and UNICEF, working with the Global Task Team for monitoring WASH in health care facilities (HCF), have developed a set of core questions and indicators for WASH in HCF, in support of monitoring WASH in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The indicators include definitions for basic...

by hopsie

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