Guide to Family Planning for Health Workers and their Clients: /What is Family Planning? In KISWAHILI

November 14, 2022

World Health Organization (WHO) flipchart “Guide to Family Planning for Health Workers and their Clients: /What is Family Planning?” in the Kiswahili language.

by hopsie

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What is Family Planning?

November 14, 2022

Adapted from the WHO’s DecisionMaking Tool for Family PlanningClients and Providers, this counselling guide has been modified for the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) based on the local program context under the A3 Project.

by hopsie

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Opinion: Is reproductive health ‘essential’ in a pandemic?

November 14, 2022

An opinion piece from a World Vision staffer published in Devex about if reproductive health is essential in a pandemic

by hopsie

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November 14, 2022

Position statements from 8 Kenyan churches on family planning

by hopsie

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