Love, Children and FP English Version (for reading online or as individual pages here).

January 1, 2012

This book was produced by Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health and Christian Connections for International Health in collaboration with Judith Brown, PhD. This Bible discussion guide is meant to be used by small groups – in churches, in neighborhoods and in Christian nursing schools and health centers....

by hopsie

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Love, Children and FP English Version (PDF to use for professional printing)

January 1, 2012

This book was produced by Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health and Christian Connections for International Health in collaboration with Judith Brown, PhD. This Bible discussion guide is meant to be used by small groups – in churches, in neighborhoods and in Christian nursing schools and health centers....

by hopsie

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Getting Contraceptives to Health Facilities: 10 Questions for Community-Based Groups to Consider, English Version

January 1, 2012

The purpose of this guide is to help you plan and implement the process of ensuring a consistent supply of family planning supplies at your service delivery sites, and get contraceptive supplies to your field sites and your health workers. This process requires careful planning, coordination, and overall...

by hopsie

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Getting Contraceptives to Health Facilities: 10 Questions for Community-Based Groups to Consider, French Version

January 1, 2012

L’objectif de ce guide est de vous aider à planifier et à mettre en œuvre le processus visant à garantir un approvisionnement constant en fournitures de planification familiale sur vos sites de prestation de services, et à acheminer les fournitures contraceptives vers vos sites de terrain et vos...

by hopsie

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