Report from ICFP 2022: Faith Community Speaks Up to Support Family Planning
Faith-based organizations and people of faith had a strong presence at the most recent International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), held November 14-17, 2022 in Thailand. Faith community activities were coordinated by a Faith Subcommittee led by CCIH, the Faith to Action Network and Catholics for Reproductive Health....
Déclaration des leaders religieux participants à l’ICFP 2022
La communauté confessionnelle a lu une déclaration d’engagement lors de la séance plénière de clôture de la Conférence internationale sur la planification familiale (ICFP) de 2022. La communauté confessionnelle a exprimé son engagement envers la planification familiale dans une déclaration lue par Cheikh Saliou Mbacke du Cadre des...
Faith Community Commitment Statement at ICFP 2022
The faith community read a commitment statement at the closing plenary session of the 2022 International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP). The faith community expressed commitment to family planning in a statement read by Sheikh Saliou Mbacke of Cadre des Religieux pour la Santé et le Développement in...
World Relief’s Choose Life: A Guide for Peer Educators and Youth Leaders: A Curricula for Youth Ages 10-14
A heavily faith-based manual for leading youth in exercises emphasizing abstinence, as well as choosing healthy behaviors for youth between the ages of 10-14.