Scriptural Support for Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancies
This brief outlines scriptural support for planning safe and healthy pregnancies, including quotes from Christian religious leaders.
Scriptural Support for Planning Safe and Healthy Pregnancies
This easy-to-use two-page brief on scriptural support for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies includes a number of bible verses supporting the use of family planning to protect the health of mothers and children and achieve the family size parents decide is best for their circumstances.
“Success Story: Training Religious Leaders as Family Planning/HTSP Advocates “
With support from USAID’s Advancing Partners and Communities project, CCIH worked with its partner the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau to educate religious leaders on family planning/HTSP and train them to advocate for family planning among Christians, within their congregations and communities. After the training, religious leaders had significantly...
Advocacy for International Family Planning: What Terminology Works?
Discussing what terminology works in the Christian context about family planning in the publication World Health & Population