Love, Children and FP French Version
This book was produced by Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health and Christian Connections for International Health in collaboration with Judith Brown, PhD in 2011. This Bible discussion guide is meant to be used by small groups – in churches, in neighborhoods and in Christian nursing schools and...
Christian Journal for Global Health Special Issue on Family Planning
Through support from the USAID-funded Advancing Partners and Communities, CCIH worked with the Christian Journal for Global Health (CJGH) to produce a special issue on family planning from a faith perspective. The issue included articles by CCIH members and others focused on both operational and ethical approaches to...
African Leaders On Role of the Church in Family Planning
Four leaders from Kenya, Nigeria and Zambia discuss the striking benefits to families and societies when couples are able to plan pregnancies. We also hear from religious leaders why churches are uniquely positioned to educate communities about family planning and reach rural areas with services and supplies.
Family Planning Advocacy Through Religious Leaders: A Guide for Faith Communities English
This “Family Planning Advocacy Through Religious Leaders: A Guide for Faith Communities” is a guide that seeks to provide a step-by-step process on how to set up and conduct religious leader advocacy trainings, establish monitoring and evaluation systems, and realize your family planning advocacygoals. Available in English and...