“Faith Leaders are Powerful Advocates for Family Planning”

January 1, 2018

Religion is very important in Uganda, with 85% of the population identifying as Christian. Religious leaders are well respected in their communities and are influential on a number of topics, including health. In this video, Reverend Canon Kabanda of the St. Stephens Archdiocese of the Church of Uganda...

by hopsie

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CCIH coordinated one Facebook Live session , Straight Talk on Religion and Family Planning

January 1, 2018

CCIH coordinated one Facebook Live session , Straight Talk on Religion and Family Planning, which featured Mr. Yoram Siame, Director of Advocacy Planning and Development at the Churches Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ), Ms. Bicbic Chua, Executive Director of Catholics for Reproductive Health, and Mr. Mohammed Bun Bida,...

by hopsie

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“Ugandan Faith Leader on Why He Supports Family Planning”

January 1, 2018

Reverend Charles Irongo of the Kyando Church of Uganda discusses what he learned in seminary about the importance of healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies and planning a family you can support. He shares what the command to “be fruitful and multiply” in Genesis chapter 1 verse 28...

by hopsie

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The other session was on How Can the Family Planning Community Work Better with Faith Communities to Reach the Last Mile

January 1, 2018

The other session was on How Can the Family Planning Community Work Better with Faith Communities to Reach the Last Mile and featured Dr. Alma Crumm Golden, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Global Health, USAID, and Mr. Douglas Nsibambi, Community Engagement Officer, Advancing Partners and Communities project,...

by hopsie

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