Case Studies for Year 2 from the Christian Health Association of Kenya

January 1, 2019

Faith leaders reach a wide community with family planning advocacy in Kenya

by hopsie

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“Family Planning: A Matter of Life and Death for Kenya’s Women” by Reverend Carol Mberia

January 1, 2019

Reverend Carol Mberia of the Methodist Church of Kenya article on family planning in The Star, a Kenyan newspaper.

by hopsie

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“Success Story: Family Planning Use Increases as Religious Leaders Promote Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancies”

January 1, 2019

CCIH worked with the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau in a project supported by USAID’s Advancing Partners and Communities to equip religious leaders in the Anglican Church of Uganda to educate their congregations and communities about family planning. Total new client visits for FP increased by more than 800...

by hopsie

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Case Studies for Year 2 …and the Churches Health Association of Zambia

January 1, 2019

Coordinated advocacy brings change in family planning kn Zambia. The Churches Health Association of Zambia’s (CHAZ)approach was to build the capacities of the CSOs in FP advocacy so they could advocate effectively to the government.

by hopsie

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