Endline Report of the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau Community-Based Family Planning Project

January 1, 2019

In December 2017, the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) was awarded a one-year cooperative funding agreement from USAID through Advancing Partners and Communities (APC) to implement a project to integrate community-based family planning (FP) into the Anglican Church of Uganda’s health structures and health facilities. Based on available...

by hopsie

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Increasing Family Planning Access in Kenya Through Engagement of Faith-Based Health Facilities, Religious Leaders, and Community Health Volunteers

January 1, 2019

The Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) partnered with health facilities managed by faith-based organizations (FBOs), religious leaders, and community health volunteers to increase access to family planning in western Kenya. FBO-managed health facilities saw large increases in family planning uptake over the 5-year project, particularly for implants.

by hopsie

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Pastoral Letters on Healthy Families and Youth from the Church of Uganda

January 1, 2019

The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda released two letters on family health issues in March 2019. This letter provided scriptural support for family planning and responsible procreation, including statements on the health benefits of spacing pregnancies for mothers and children, and the positive affects of planning pregnancies...

by hopsie

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“ICM Partners with Churches to Help Bring Family Planning to Families in Need “

January 1, 2019

International Care Ministries (ICM) integrates family planning into its Transform project to lift families in the Philippines out of poverty. Nurse Mylin Rendoque is happy to help families with family planning and believes that it aligns closely with her Christian values. “Being a parent is a great gift...

by hopsie

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