How Faith-Based Organizations Can Help Reduce Abortions

January 1, 2021

Effective and affordable services to help women time and space their pregnancies (also known as family planning) reduce the likelihood of abortion by helping to avoid poorly timed, unintended, and dangerous pregnancies. Christian organizations support access to services to plan pregnancies for health of mothers, children, and families.

by hopsie

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Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) Master FAM Project 2014-2018

January 1, 2021

This report presents findings between the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau and Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University on the effectiveness of fertility awareness methods in family planning.

by hopsie

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Masculinité, Famille et Foi: Promising Shifts In Norms to Support Family Planning in Faith Communities

January 1, 2021

Endline Results Brief from Passages Project | The Passages Project recently released its endline results brief for Masculinité, Famille, et Foi (MFF). The MFF project, an adaptation of the Tearfund-developed ‘Transforming Masculinities’ approach implemented from 2015-2020, worked within faith communities and with faith leaders to promote positive masculinities...

by hopsie

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Religious leaders in Kiambu County Kenya speaking on TV and radio bout family planning and HIV prevention

January 1, 2021

In September 2021, Reverend Geoffrey Njihia of the African Inland Church and Father David Kallinikos Kinuthia of the Orthodox Church in Kiambu County appeared on Family Radio 316 and TV talking about family planning and HIV prevention. Watch the video:

by hopsie

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