Case Studies for Year 4 from the Christian Health Association of Kenya
Encouraging male involvement in family planning: Engaging Muslims in Kilifi County through faith advocacy
Religious Leaders on Family Planning
Learn from religious leaders in Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zambia about why they care about family planning
How Faith-based Organizations Meet Community Need for Family Planning During COVID-19
A high-level overview of the session, Faith Actors and Family Planning during COVID-19, pulling out key points from the session.
Endline Results Brief from Passages Project
The Passages Project recently released its endline results brief for Masculinité, Famille, et Foi (MFF). The MFF project, an adaptation of the Tearfund-developed ‘Transforming Masculinities’ approach implemented from 2015-2020, worked within faith communities and with faith leaders to promote positive masculinities and gender equality to reduce gender-based violence...