Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition website
The Reproductive Health Supplies Coaltion brings together a diversity of partners and mobilize their collective strengths to increase access to a full range of affordable, quality reproductive health supplies in low- and middle-income countries.
Faith-based Organization Advocacy Efforts to Create a Conducive Environment to Attain FP Goals in Kenya and Zambia
Religious Leader Family Planning Champions Used Different Communications Channels to Inform the Public About Family Planning Supplement to: Bormet M, Kishoyian J, Siame Y, et al. Faith-based Advocacy for Family Planning Works: Evidence from Kenya and Zambia. Glob Health Sci Pract. 2021;9(2).
Faith-Based Advocacy for Family Planning Works: Evidence From Kenya and Zambia
This article describes an initiative to increase policy and financial commitment for FP and increase community support for FP through advocacy by predominantly Christian religious leaders in Kenya and Zambia in partnership with their health-related FBOs.
Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) Master FAM Project 2014-2018
This report presents findings between the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau and Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University on the effectiveness of fertility awareness methods in family planning.