Background and origin of CCIH’s definition of Family Planning
CCIH’s definition of family planning is “enabling couples to determine the number and timing of pregnancies, including the voluntary use of methods for preventing pregnancy – not including abortion – harmonious with their values and religious beliefs.”This page explains more about the origin of the definition and how...
CCIH Definition of Family Planning
The term Family Planning, as used by Christian Connections for International Health, means enabling couples to determine the number and timing of pregnancies, including the voluntary use of methods for preventing pregnancy – not including abortion – harmonious with their values and religious beliefs.
Families Together: Part of Faith Leader Engagement Curriculum
The Families Together Curriculum is based on an earlier version developed by World Relief. It was revised as part of the USAID-funded SCOPE project. It is a training to strengthen couples in relationship to one another, and to strengthen families as a result. A focus on promoting understanding,...
Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition website
The Reproductive Health Supplies Coaltion brings together a diversity of partners and mobilize their collective strengths to increase access to a full range of affordable, quality reproductive health supplies in low- and middle-income countries.