Trauma Healing Resources from the American Bible Society

November 14, 2022

Trauma Healing Resources from the American Bible Society | The American Bible Society has a variety of resources on healing trauma, including videos, resources for use with trauma survivors, including children and teens, a facilitator’s handbook, and more.

by hopsie

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COVID-19 How Can Churches Respond?

November 14, 2022

The Anglican Alliance released a set of resources for churches that includes Spiritual and Theological Resources, such as prayers and Bible studies; guidance such as how to support community preparedness; helping marginalized groups; supporting people living in lock down; supporting children, and more.

by hopsie

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HIV/Health messages for use by faith leaders

November 14, 2022

The National AIDS Control Council in Kenya works with the faith community to develop integrate HIV messages into Faith Sector activities, as well as reach out to the congregation with HIV prevention information and services targeting men, women, adolescents, young people, the elderly and reducing HIV-related stigma. The...

by hopsie

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HIV counseling Guide for faith leaders

November 14, 2022

The Africa Christian Health Associations Platform launched this HIV counseling guide for religious leaders in 2019. The guide aims to help religious leaders provide support to congregants as they cope with HIV/AIDS. The guide was developed by ACHAP in partnership with the National AIDS Control Council (NACC), Inerela-Kenya,...

by hopsie

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