Involve men in preventing gender-based violence, women church leaders in Nigeria recommend

January 20, 2023

This report on a church human rights training in Nigeria highlights suggestions from church women leaders, lay members, and gender advocates for trainings to include men and for action using advocacy tools to address sexual and gender-based violence.

by hopsie

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Health-Promoting Churches Volume II

January 20, 2023

This handbook from the World Council of Churches provides guidelines, resources, and tools to help local churches establish and run sustainable health promotion and disease prevention ministries.

by hopsie

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Learning from Ebola: Applying lessons learnt during the DRC Ebola outbreak

January 20, 2023

This 2020 article from Tearfund's Communicable Diseases - Footsteps shares impactful ways faith communities can respond to Ebola resurgences and a section on supporting survivors.

by hopsie

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Let’s Build Our Lives

January 20, 2023

This book by Dr. Dan Fountain will help church leaders, healthcare workers, and lay people begin a community health and development program.

by hopsie

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